Upcoming Events

Father-Daughter Summit

The Father-Daughter Summit has pulled together the finest resources to help men understand their daughter’s world and your relationship or have repairs that need to be made, the Father-Daughter Summit is a day designed to take your relationship to a whole new level and prepare you for the days ahead.

Give your daughter (age 11 and up) a day she will never forget, and one that will prepare your relationship for days and years to come.

Cost: $77

Lunch, Summit materials, and follow-up resources included in the cost per pair.

2024 Dates and locations will be announced soon.
Please leave us your contact information if you would like us to reach out to you as dates are scheduled.

Train The Trainer

Join other facilitators, practitioners, concerned father and daughters, enjoy direct access to experts and latest research, staying refreshed with our Mastermind Group and growing video library.

Be notified when we offer online sessions and in-persons trainings.

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